Death, I know, is certain; but sometimes it is not death itself that inflicts untold pains but the manner in which it comes. Have you seen a corps in such a state, not to talk of a loved one? What I saw is too horrible to be portrayed by words only. On the 28th of March 2012, my Dad went to buy fuel at Shagari Corner, Katako in the city of Jos. Suddenly, it began. Crisis erupted like a volcano and bodies were dropping as blood made no difference from flood.
My mum is a trader. She sells gari at Katako market. When the crisis started, she picked her phone to call my dad in order to update him of the sudden killing going on in the market. She could not reach him. She ran back to the market only to see his car badly destroyed, and my dad – you would not like this part of my story!
Finally, my dad was home. A brutalized body with head divided in two – that was my father in that picture; we could hardly recognise him – such a painful death. The moment I set my eyes on my father, it was as if light just went out. All hope suddenly vanished. I was small and I thought I couldn’t amount to anything ever. Watching my Mum live through struggle with 6 children is mind-disturbing. But I found Sam Amaga Foundation with a university scholarship, it’s a rebirth of hope.
Ifeoma when she first came to us.
Ifeoma during her matriculation
Ifeoma during her compulsory one year service to her nation (NYSC)