on the 13th of January 2012 at about 2pm, in Jos, Plateau state, I lost my dad during the crisis. We were all inside the house when we heard the Extremists chanting in Arabic. We were able to run for our dear lives. There was a great panic that day so my family and I ran to safety but my dad stayed back with some of the men in the area, as they wanted to safeguard the houses. We then went into hiding in the rocks close by but we could still see what was going on in the area.
The Extremists invaded our area and set our house ablaze.
They met my dad outside the house; the Extremists took a kitchen knife and plucked his two eyes out. He was screaming in agony and saying “Please have mercy on me and my family” but they poured petrol on him, used a lighter and they set him ablaze. I wanted to go and help him but the people I was with as well as my mum held me back. We all cried in pain. We were devastated, I even tried to take my life but my mum caught me and stopped me. We have been struggling with my mum ever since we lost our dad but unfortunately
for us, our mum died four months to this day.
The Extremists invaded our area and set our house ablaze.
They met my dad outside the house; the Extremists took a kitchen knife and plucked his two eyes out. He was screaming in agony and saying “Please have mercy on me and my family” but they poured petrol on him, used a lighter and they set him ablaze. I wanted to go and help him but the people I was with as well as my mum held me back. We all cried in pain. We were devastated, I even tried to take my life but my mum caught me and stopped me. We have been struggling with my mum ever since we lost our dad but unfortunately
for us, our mum died four months to this day.
Things have not been easy with us. My siblings have stopped going to school and I have to go and do petty jobs for us to feed.
We stayed with our uncle and because of greed; he said he wanted to marry me off to an Extremists that has 3 wives. The man promised him 2 cows and some money.
My uncle cannot afford to help me further my education or that of my siblings because his own children are not in school either. I really want to go to school so I could help my younger ones. From desperation to hope, from sucidal tendencies to a promising future. Today, I thank God that Sam Amaga Foundation came into my life.
We are on an urgent rescue mission to orphans. We are all out to rescue them now before they get destroyed. We are lending a helping hand to the needy, vulnerable, most especially giving orphans a help, a hope and a future.