Having lost my father to such a strange but brief illness, and my mother to such a horrible accident that never speared her life but chose to robe me of parental care at that tender age; I grew up knowing not parental care safe the uncontrollable tears that bid me farewell to bed and woke me up into gloomy days. Needless saying how I felt because there was no content to be proud of.
Such was my plight until God, through Sam Amaga Foundation, smiled at me and reclaimed my destiny from the nightmare. Today, I’m proud to say I have parents in Papa Sam Amaga and Mama Love Sam Amaga. Above all, I am a student of the famous Salem University, Nigeria courtesy- SAM AMAGA FOUNDATION.
Istifanus during his matriculation
Istifanus during one of his counselling sessions at Sam Amaga Foundation
Istifanus during his final year thanksgiving service