When outsiders rise against you, your own people succor you but when your own people play the harbingers against you, you have a deadly stab at the back. What a tale of irony!
According to the Good Samaritan narration, my twin brother and I were dumped in a dustbin by the roadside by our parents, but the God-sent woman picked us up by divine arrangement to fulfill destiny. This old woman who happened to be a widow picked us and took us in and became our foster parent.
Survived by mercy, years later, the news of our survival reached our family, biological parents, and so they plotted to kill us. On a fateful Sunday, we were coming from the church when our own parents attacked us but God gave us an escape route. But that was a preamble. They still came after us and burnt down our house. Due to this incident, our foster mother took ill and was taken to Jos teaching hospital. She lost her sight and she could not take care of us anymore because of her illness so she took us to the ministry that raised us.
While we were with this ministry, we went through secondary school but we had to go out to look for something to do to keep up with life; I don’t’ want to say exactly – it was an ordeal. Indeed the journey so far has been full of twists and turns but in it all, I know that God will come through for me.
And today, the God of my salvation who was there with me from the very first day of my existence on planet earth has proven faithful beyond all human imaginations. He has borne me from stage to stage of my life. My encounter with Sam Amaga Foundation is a divine arrangement at the most appropriate time. Unbelievably, I have a scholarship through the Foundation today, the Lord God has helped me; I have hope, and I have a future.
We are on an urgent rescue mission to orphans. We are all out to rescue them now before they get destroyed. We are lending a helping hand to the needy, vulnerable, most especially giving orphans a help, a hope and a future.