The death of my father in the hands of the herdsmen, no doubt created a dark age in my life. He was killed right on his farm. The family became a shadow of itself. Untold hardships rock our family. My mother soon stopped her petty food business due to health challenge. To help out, I had to load trucks on a daily bases.
I saw life as being cruel to me. But today, I have a better story to tell because God, through SAM AMAGA FOUNDATION, has put a smile on my face. Today, I am a graduate of one of the fastest growing universities in Nigeria- Salem University, Nigeria.
Jerry during his undergraduate days
Jerry during one of his counselling session at Sam Amaga Foundation
Jerry striking a pose in Salem University
Jerry posing after defending his final year project
Jerry after writing his last paper in the university
Jerry showcasing his Youth Corp Certificate (A compulsory one year service for every graduate in Nigeria)